What are NFC Checkpoints?
Nicholas Hillier avatar
Written by Nicholas Hillier
Updated over a week ago

NFC Checkpoints make it quick and easy for students to use their phones to 'tap' the checkpoint and be signed into the location assigned to that checkpoint.

What does NFC mean?
NFC stands for near-field communication. NFC works between two different devices making a connection from a short-range to exchange data.

How is does it work with Boardingware?
NFC has been designed for student use to check into locations through Boardingware. Once the NFC has been configured by a staff member through the staff app, students will be able to open their Boardingware Student App to scan the NFC chip and update their location. They can also 'tap' the NFC Checkpoint to end their pass.

You can also configure a location to require a pass. For example, if a student checks into the library, we will prompt them to fill in a library pass so we are aware of their return time.

What devices are required?
Students will need to be working with an iPhone 7 or higher as NFC was only introduced to Apple from the iPhone 7. Any Android from 2012 on will have the NFC built-in.

What do they look like?
NFCs are small yet durable (shown below).

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