Beginning a workflow and tracking its progress.

Using the planning section to begin your workflow & see the progress of your workflow

Nicholas Hillier avatar
Written by Nicholas Hillier
Updated over a week ago

To begin a workflow, navigate to the Planning section at the top of the Homepage, then click the 'Workflow' icon in the middle of the left side menu. At the top right, select the 'New Workflow' Button. Select the category, then the workflow template.

Add a reference label if you would like. In this example, I don't need one, but for example,  if your workflow is 'Excursion Planning' the reference label can be the name of the specific trip being planned. Click 'Start to initiate your workflow.

Once the workflow is started, those involved in the first step will be notified and the process will begin. On the right side, staff can make comments. Once the step is completed, click 'save' to move to the next step.

At the bottom right you can see a timestamped log of the workflow.

If you leave the workflow, you will see a summary of steps and progress, and can click back in at anytime:

Once the workflow has been completed, it will move to the archive:

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